HomeAccessibility Policies

Accessibility Policies


In order to facilitate accessibility for deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing individuals to events held at the Bell Centre, Evenko G.P. (“evenko”) invites any deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing individuals requesting English-ASL and/or French-LSQ interpretation services to contact evenko by e-mail ([email protected]) or telephone (1-855-219-0576 ou 1-877-668-8269), as soon as possible but at least ninety (90) days before an event, in order to inform evenko of his/her request in regard to interpreting services.

Following such request, evenko will proceed with the necessary evaluation to determine the possibility to offer interpreting services for such event.

evenko further recognizes the importance of being mindful of the need of proximity between the deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing individuals and the interpreter providing services in accordance with this policy.

evenko will review and update its policies and procedures as required to keep current with applicable rules and regulations. This policy may therefore change from time to time.

Please note that both the English and French versions of this policy have equal legal value.